Charles & The Mission Belt Co.
Charles is 28 years old. He live in Kagadi, Uganda with his wife and family. Charles has been raising dairy cows for over two years now. He started with just two cows from his father and now he has five cows that can produce ten liters of milk daily. Price fluctuations in the market and inflation have taken their toll on his small business but he knows that a larger ranch type setting would help his margins significantly and help him and his family survive market turmoil and rising inflation. With a little help from the Mission Belt Co. and its customers, Charles and family were able to buy more cows and as they raise them and take care of them they will be able to extract more milk and provide a better and healthier life for themselves.
The Mission Belt Co helped Charles grow his dairy herd.
The Mission Belt Co has sold a lot of belts and a dollar from every belt goes to help hungry families become self-sufficient. Families like Charles' benefit from our stylish no holes belts and we just dig that. We think that we will sell millions of these awesome belts and that will be a good thing for the fight against global hunger and poverty. It's a simple contribution and our customers are the kind of people that want to make a difference. They are young, hip, cool, socially conscious, and very generous. We want to thank everybody that has bought a Mission Belt and everyone that will soon be the proud owner of a radical no-holes ratchet belt.